Thursday, March 6, 2014

Big Picture Stuff

The Big Picture: Some of my dates match, but I didn't make any notes. "Since the death of “Saul” in 1993, God has raised up an army of prayer warriors to overthrow Mystery Babylon. Prior to that time, the Church under Pentecost (“Saul”) had the authority to deal with Babylon. However, they failed to establish righteousness in the earth with the authority given to them on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. God then brought Babylon once again a century ago to bring judgment upon the church, the nation, and much of the world. It was not until 1993 that things began to change, and a new sheriff came to town. This could not happen, however, until Saul died, for even though David had been fighting Saul’s battles for him in years past, it was not yet time for David to become king. The original Saul had a forty-year mandate, and God honored that. So also did prophetic Saul, the Church, have a forty-Jubilee mandate (1,960 years), and God honored that, too. When David received his first piece of authority in 1993, the Jubilee Prayer Campaign was launched a few months later in November. David’s authority increased at the feast of Tabernacles in October of 2000 (at Champaign, Illinois). The revelation showed that this was where David was crowned king over all Israel, so to speak. By this authority, we met on Nov. 28-30, 2000 to establish the New Jerusalem as our Capital City. Two months later, I received the infamous letter in the mail challenging this authority through a spokesman for Pentecost. We answered it in the divine court, and then put up our staves in the tabernacle of the Lord to allow Him to see which would bear fruit. We received our answer on Feb. 21 when the Berrys arrived as the sign of fruit. I wrote about this in my reports last week. In the big picture, we have been given spiritual authority to overthrow Mystery Babylon that rules much of the world through the Western banking system, led by the Federal Reserve Bank. The three main heads are the three independent city-states called Washington D.C., the City of London, and Vatican City, each with interconnected banks. We fought against Mystery Babylon throughout the year 2001, ending finally in Nov. 2001, and now it is clear that the results of those prayer campaigns are coming to the surface in the year 2014. Why only now in 2013-2014? Because we have finally reached the appointed year of release, as I have been showing in the past few months. 2014 is the end of the 2,520 year contract between God and Babylon, wherein God brought “seven times” judgment upon Jerusalem (7 x 360 years). A century ago, prophets and teachers thought that Babylon would fall in 1914-17, because it was 2,520 years from the time that Babylon became an empire (607 B.C.) to the time they took Jerusalem (604 B.C.). However, they did not take into account the hundred-year interruption from 163-63 B.C. when Jerusalem was independent of the Grecian empire (the second beast empire in the succession). That century had to be added to 1914-1917, giving Babylon an extension in which to exercise its Dominion Mandate until 2014-2017. At the same time, the time of the “little horn” is ending after 1480 years since the days of the Emperor Justinian I, who made “alterations in times and in law” (Dan. 7:25) from 526-534 A.D. Recall that he altered the calendar so that it began to date from Jesus’ birth instead of from the founding of Rome. Then he changed the laws of the Roman Empire to establish Church law. He first did this in 529 and then revised it in 530, calling it the Codex Constitutionum. He then published the 50 text books to teach law students and guide judges in 533-534. These are the dates that begin the 1480-year cycle to 2009-2010-2014. I wrote of this here: The number 1480 is the numeric value of christos, or “Christ.” It is important, because Jesus was crucified on the 1480th Passover celebration since Moses’ first Passover in Egypt. The long 2,520-year Dominion Mandate (extended to 2,620 years) ends in 2014-2017, just as the 1480-year cycle of the “little horn” ends in 2009-2014. I have explained all of this in past books and weblogs, and it is too long to prove again in this short overall view of the big picture. The Kings of the East Meanwhile, it is enough to see that the current events in Ukraine are the present focus in watching the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. Russia and China are today’s “kings of the east” (Rev. 16:12), whom God has raised up to overthrow modern Babylon. In ancient times, the kings of the east were Persia and Medea. Today, China has taken the place of Persia (King Cyrus), but Russia has taken the place of Medea (King Darius). Cyrus was the ancient leader, but Darius actually was the one who took Babylon (Dan. 5:31). For this reason, I have felt that Russia would play a key role in the overthrow of Babylon today. I believe we are seeing this manifest in the Ukraine War that is taking place even now. And because they are following the divine script of prophecy, we know that they will win, and we will be set free from our Babylonian masters. They will also provide the funding for the Kingdom, even as Cyrus funded the rebuilding of the temple, and a later Persian king funded the building of Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the Babylonian press, including CNN (Controlled News Network), is screaming loudly, as spokesmen for the alarmed Babylonian leaders. They have been interfering in Ukrainian politics lately in order to take Ukraine out of Russia’s sphere of influence. Their plan is to dislodge Russia’s Black Sea fleet, so that they can attack Syria and Iran without being stopped by the Russians. Our Western leaders are trying to start World War III according to the Pike Plan that was formulated more than a century ago. It called for three world wars to fully accomplish the plan for the world takeover and to establish Luciferianism as the world religion. So the Western power brokers, using presidents of nations as their agents, have been trying to start World War III in order to reduce the world population by about 5 billion people, and to solidify their power through the use of technology. Russia and China, however, stand in their way. The Ukraine situation is just the latest battle between East and West. But if we understand prophecy and the divine plan, we will know how to identify the players on the battlefield, and we can then view world events with some understanding. Such understanding is not possible, however, unless you know the Scriptures. That is why I spend a lot of time teaching the Word. - See more at:

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