Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Perspective Squared

The most important information I have ever read online

This is David Wilcock's most recent interview with Benjamin Fulford in regard to the Trillion-dollar lawsuit that could end the Babylonian system as we know it. It is perhaps the most significant and informative report that I have EVER read. If you really want to understand the world-changing events happening right now, I highly recommend that you take the time to look at this information.

Much of this is not new to me, but it contains details and connections that I had not made earlier.

On Nov. 23, 2011 a lawsuit was filed in a District Court in New York that is destined to bring down the entire Babylonian world order. It involves the Dal Bosco theft of $134 billion worth of bonds a few years ago. I had read of this when the thieves were apprehended in Italy trying to cross the border into Switzerland a few years ago, as this was reported by more than one commentator that I have followed over the years.

Little did I know that this was only the tip of a very large iceberg. Nor did I realize that this was actually a sting operation by Asian royal families to recover the gold that they had loaned the Federal Reserve System back in the 1930's. The bonds (notes on the loan) came due in 1994, but the thieves at the Fed refused to pay back the loan.

The International Court of Justice ruled against the Fed in 1998, but how does anyone collect on a debt when the US military is duped into protecting the Fed? Only now is this coming to light in a US court of law.

Who is behind this overthrow of the Fed? They are the ones whom some have called "The Kings of the East".

Friday, March 11, 2011

In The Beginning

A great rant by Answer the questions for yourself, and share. Here.

"Why does added complexity make technological systems weaker and ecological systems stronger? How does the complexity know? Clearly we're being confused by language, and what we call "complexity" in a computer is different from what we call "complexity" in a forest. One difference is that a computer is controlled by the CPU, while a forest is decentralized; another difference is that a computer has fixed connections, while a forest can shift its connections around; another is that a computer depends on single components for most of its functions, while a forest is loaded with redundancy.

I think if you look at the system of hardware and software that runs Google, you'll find it's a lot more like a forest than like a single computer. The internet itself was designed with heavy redundancy -- it's been said that the net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. With a few more components -- long-range wi-fi, backyard solar panels, garage microprocessor fabs -- the internet could even survive a hard crash.

It's not that our tech system is too complex, but that it's complex in the wrong way. We should be designing technologies to mimic nature. And going back to Monday's subject, we should be designing societies to mimic nature. Our political and economic systems are still so amazingly primitive that they require decisions to come from the center, instead of emerging from everywhere. Empires fall, not because we're at the end of history, but because we're at the beginning."